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After the Ban: the Continuing Impact of Asbestos and the Need for Prevention


On Monday, October 7th, 2019, Dr. Paul Demers presented asbestos results from the national Burden of Occupational Cancer in Canada project, results from the surveillance projects identifying groups at highest risk for asbestos-related disease, and trends and projections for mesothelioma, as well as a bit of their other asbestos research.  His presentation also focused  on some of the work with the Institute for Work and Health to assess the economic impact of asbestos exposure.  Paul stressed the continuing need for prevention, presenting  recommendations and other considerations, as well as some of the challenges and need for further research in this area. 

To view the presentation, click the link below:

Burden of Occupational Cancer in Canada

To view the videos from the sessions click on the links below:

After the Ban: the Continuing Impact of Asbestos and the Need for Prevention

The impact of Exposure to Workplace Carcinogens in Canada

Paul A. Demers, PhD
Director, Occupational Cancer Research Centre
Professor (status), Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto